Softwares for web developers – Candidinfo

Have you ever wondered what softwares Candidinfo uses to create and complete all our slick projects? No tough job this one, only you need to know that some of the best softwares do not come with a hefty price tag. Also, the best softwares, do not have to be complicated with too many features you know nothing about. Listed below are some of our favorites and obviously the leading Open source programs available.

  1. Openoffice logo We love OpenOffice and its not because its free. While making presentations (spreadsheets) formatting is so simple and this is why most users and not just professionals prefer OpenOffice, for its user-friendly nature. OpenOffice has 6 components – Writer, Impress, Math, Draw, Calculate and Base and i could not sing enough praises to do justice to this open software. OpenOffice can be used on various operating systems like Microsoft Windows, MacOS X, OpenVMS, Linux, IRIX, Solaris and FreeBSD. Though developed by StarDivision since 1999 it has been owned by Sun Microsystems. Scores more points than its Microsoft created programs.OpenOffice can be downloaded for free from the OpenOffice website.

    OpenOffice website

  2. clamwin ClamWin comes highly recommended compared to most of the other anti virus open source softwares. Besides being non-profit, it is portable and it can be carried anywhere either in your ipod, USB flash drive or a portable hard drive. With a simple interface and no-nonsense user-friendly method of downloading, ClamWin wins big points. So many times, it has automatically deleted virus- infected mail from many an Outlook express account. Now, a software like this truly defeats its competitors. ClamWin can be downloaded for free from the ClamWin website.


  3. PS Pad logo Based on its usability, PS Pad is the best free text editor open software available. PS Pad performs spell checks, operates on plain text files, auto- corrects, user-configurable syntax highlighting feature, handle many languages and can be used on many programming environments. And who needs to download files when you can directly edit it from the FTP server. PS Pad is (human) error- friendly as one can undo and redo as many times as he/she makes mistakes. PS Pad can be downloaded for free from the PS Pad website.

    PS Pad logo

  4. Nvu short for “new view”. With Nvu web authoring becomes simpler as you can do it all without learning anything about HTML and with horrible spellings too (has spell-checker). The purpose of this software is to be the open software replacement for Macromedia DreamWeaver and Microsoft FrontPage and it rightfully can. With Nvu you can switch between WYSIWYG Editing Mode and HTML easily. It has tabs with which one can work on many pages at once. And since it is built on Gecko, everything you create is a preview of how your webpage would look once online. Nvu can be downloaded for free from the Nvu website.


  5. Firezilla Blessed with most of the FTP options, faster and advanced with all the features, Firezilla is better than its contemporaries. Its purpose is to serve as site manager, transfer queue, message log, folder view and file. Filezilla is a very robust and powerful software which takes up minimal space in your hard drive but it wins points mostly due to its simplicity. Firezilla can be downloaded for free from the Firezilla website.


  6. Firefox Firefox easily is better than its counterparts specially because of its its multi-tab browsing functionality. Though IE 7 might have it, I don’t see the point in upgrading to a newer Microsoft Windows version everytime Microsoft has a new software. Comes with a search toolbar (Google). Besides, Firefox is also compatible with various other operating systems besides Microsoft Windows like Linux and Mac OS X. Mostly, Firefox’s pop-up blocker is a godsend. Firefox can be downloaded for free from the Firefox website.


  7. 7-Zip For file archiving, 7-Zip and its brilliant 7z format does it for our office. Extremely easy to use we strongly recommend this software. 7-Zip was created by Igor Pavlov. 7-Zip has a very high compression ratio. Though this free open source program was officially released with Microsoft Windows, it is compatible and works very well with Mac OS too. Its not just me approving this file, research also says that 7-Zip is almost 50% much better than other popular compatible zip files. z- Zip also has the benefit of having CLI added to its GUI. This is more than a 7Z archiver, if you are a Vista fanatic, 7-Zip workds absolutely well with it and think of it it unzips RAR, LZH, NSIS files,CPIO, RPM, DEB, CHM, Z, CAB, ISO and ARJ while also creating and unpacking 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR files. 7-Zip can be downloaded for free from the 7-Zip website.


Secret’s out. Do not undermine open softwares, they come packed with a whole lot of useful features and more. And most of all they are free, so start downloading.