It is often seen that footers are considered lowest on the priority list of the entire blog design. In most case, the footers are basic, conventional and uninspiring. Which is quite surprising, since a good and attractive footer can go a long way in leaving a positive impression in the minds of the readers.
We have handpicked some blogs which boast of interesting and inspiring footers. These blogs show how footers play an important role in the overall design of the blogs. In some of them you’ll find that the footers showcase attractive visual elements and in some of them the footers provide navigation or other helpful information for visitors.
CSS-Tricks: A beautiful turquoise blue footer that also provides information about the author.
Web Designer Wall: An informative footer that gives list of recent articles, comments and the URL itself.
Mr. Diggles: A contrasting colored footer that mixes well with the overall design of the blog.
PSDTUTS: An eye-soothing brown-colored footer that is informative as well. Gives other useful links.
Abduzeedo: An attractive footer to say the least. The dazzling image is sure to bring a positive comment or two from its viewers.
Blog.SpoonGraphics: The perfect way to incorporate your blog footer in the overall blog design. Equally informative and gives list of top tutorials, articles and popular downloads.
GoMediaZine: A footer of the same striking color as the overall blog. Also gives user information, such as users with most comments.
We Are Not Freelancers: A nice soothing blue footer that showcases lists of galleries and recent comments.
Problogger: A detailed footer that provides a nice contrast with the overall blog.
Noupe: A soothing paper brown colored footer that gives links to posts, news articles, etc.
Catalyst Studios: A diary shaped blog footer that is sure to be noticed by the viewers. Also features comments and related articles.
Vocino: The footer is perfectly synchronised with the header. A good atractive black layout that gives list of latest blog entries, commentary as well as information on the blog author.
Viget Inspire: The dark brown footer seems in continuation with the header and also gives category-wise as well as archive-wise list of blogs.
Sam Rayner: The soothing light green color employed for the footer here perfectly matches the header. It also gives subscription option and related links.
43 Folders: A thoroughy detailed and well-structured footer that gives links of related articles as well as information about the blog.
David Airey: The neat footer is a good way to make the viewers feel uncluttered with information. Features simple links to FAQs, Contact, Portfolio, Testimonials, etc.
Tutorial9: The jet black footer is extremely appealing. It also boasts of a simple lay out and gives related links in an uncluttered fashion.
Dreamling: A nice picture of the blog writer given in the footer is a great way to tell your viewers about yourself. The footer also provides some information on the author.
Positive Space Blog: A darker color has been used for the footer making it strike out and noticable. There are also links, recent comments and internship listings given in the same.
Sawyer Hollenshead: An outrightly attractive footer that stands out for its visual appeal.
Productive Dreams: The footer itself has been divided in two demarked parts of different colors. A nice sketch of the twitter isn’t harming anyone either.
Loon Design: It’s always a good move to give your portfolio on the footer and this blog does the same. A simple uncluttered background also makes it stand out.
Blog Me Tender: The footer is almost in continuation with the body, which is good appealing factor of the blog. Nicely done.
Soh Tanaka: The footer is beautifully designed and the blue color helps to make it stand out form the whole body.
Brad Candullo: An interesting idea to give your contact information and a form to be filled on the footer.