The Free Site Validator: Validate Your Entire Website!

Free Site Validator
The process of validating the markup of a website is now quiet easy and quick. One can do the same by either installing the HTML Validator Extension or using the Tools– Validate HTML option present in the Web Developer Extension. However, the trick question is how to validate an entire website in order to spot errors that are causing problems for the visitors of the website.

Free Site Validator
When you attempt to upgrade a website to the latest version of Movable Type, it is imperative that you would also want to find and correct any errors in the site, be it caused by your own mistakes or through the comments. Now, instead of wasting hours while manually checking every single page in the website, you would definitely prefer a tool with which you can index and validate an entire site.

One could set up the W3C validator locally and make it check the entire website, however, the process is a bit complex. Instead, you could use the Free Service Validator. This free service can essentially do two things for you:

  • Crawl your entire website and validate all the present pages with the W3C Validator.
  • Check all the links and report the ones that are broken.

The service can help you detect a bunch of validation errors and broken links to other websites. With it, you can fix up almost any validation error in your website.