Top 12 API Development Tools Every Developer Needs to Know in 2025

The technology world is always changing, and the tools for creating APIs that are good today might not be good tomorrow. New technologies are always coming out, and old ones are being forgotten. API development tools are important computer programs that make it easier to create, test, and control Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

They make sure that APIs can be developed and kept up to date quickly in the changing world of software development. It can be hard to know which tools are the best for making APIs. In this post, we will look at the 12 top tools for developing APIs and talk about why developers like them.

Why Developers Like API Development Tools?

Programmers like API development tools because they make it easier to do hard things when developing, testing, and taking care of APIs. These tools are easy to use and have strong testing abilities. They can also help create code, provide support for documentation, and allow people to work together easily.

They make it easier for developers to work fast and efficiently, make sure the API works well, and keep things consistent. In general, backend developers really like API development tools because they help them work faster, write better code, and work together with others. These tools are really important in today’s software development.

12 Top Tools for Developing APIs

  1. Postman

Postman is a popular tool for making and checking APIs. It helps to make APIs, test them, and write about them easily. It makes it easy for people to send requests over the internet and check if their programs are working well.

The Postman tool can be used for making different kinds of requests and for organizing them into groups. It also has options for verifying your identity when making requests. It also has tools that help with testing, monitoring, and working together, making it easier to develop APIs.

It is a tool that many developers use to test and fix problems with APIs. The free plan lets developers use all the features for free. You can download Postman as a browser add-on or desktop app. Postman is a helpful tool for people who work on projects involving APIs. It has easy-to-use design and strong features.

  1. SoapUI

SoapUI is an API tool for testing web services. It can test SOAP and RESTful APIs. It has a simple setup for making, carrying out, and checking API requests and responses. SoapUI can help with different ways to authenticate, test your data in different ways, and make complicated test situations.

SoapUI is a well-liked tool for making and fixing APIs that developers use to test and debug APIs. You can use SoapUI on the app or on your computer. SoapUI has a free version that lets developers use all of its features at no cost.

The software has strong tools like assertions, scripting, and detailed reports that help find problems and slow parts of a system. SoapUI is often used in making and testing software to make sure that APIs work well. This tool is very helpful for developers and quality assurance teams when testing APIs.

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  1. cURL

cURL (Client for URLs) is a tool used to request information from websites and connect with other software. It works with different ways of communicating, like HTTP, FTP, HTTPS, FTPS, and LDAP. It is a free tool that developers use to work with APIs through the command-line. It can be used on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

Developers use cURL because it is easy to use and can do many different things with data and websites. Whether getting information, checking APIs, or doing difficult tasks, cURL is a useful tool that works well on different systems and languages. Its simplicity and strong features have made it an essential tool for both developers and system administrators.

cURL’s simple way of giving commands makes it easy to test APIs, get data, and do tasks automatically. It is also included in a lot of programming languages, so developers can easily use it to make their apps work with other programs and get information.

  1. Insomnia

Insomnia is a strong tool for testing and building APIs. It has an easy-to-use interface and lots of useful features. It makes it easier to create, fix, and test APIs by supporting REST, GraphQL, and WebSocket protocols. Key features include creating code, making it easier to log in, and controlling the environment more effectively.

Insomnia helps teams work together better on API projects by keeping track of different versions and sharing project files. Developers can quickly see how their code is working and fix any errors using real-time previews and debugging tools. This helps them make sure their API requests and responses are correct.

Its flexibility allows users to customize features, and its ability to work on different devices makes it a versatile option. Insomnia helps create documents to help teams talk better while they are working on a project. Insomnia is a helpful tool for working with APIs. It gets regular updates and has a helpful community. It makes it easy to create and manage APIs.

  1. SwaggerUI

Swagger UI is a free tool that makes it easier to write about and test APIs. It makes interactive API documentation that helps developers understand, test, and use APIs. Using the OpenAPI Specification, Swagger UI shows API endpoints, parameters, and response models in a clear way.

Programmers can use the Swagger UI to interact with the API, try different endpoints, and see the responses as they happen. The easy-to-use design and the ability to show API responses in pictures help people understand and make development faster.

Swagger UI’s real-time documentation updates make sure that the information is correct and matches the actual behavior of the API. Swagger UI is a popular tool for API developers to make documentation and provide a better experience for people using the API.

  1. Postwoman (Hoppscotch)

Postwoman is a tool that helps people make and test requests to APIs. It is free to use and open-source. With an easy-to-use screen, it helps developers easily create and send HTTP requests. Postwoman helps to test different types of requests like GET, POST, etc. , and also helps with different ways to verify identity and types of information sent along with requests.

It makes it easier to test RESTful and GraphQL APIs. It can save and reuse requests, keep track of what you’ve done, and work with different settings. It can be used for testing different types of APIs, including WebSocket and GraphQL subscriptions, making it a valuable tool for testing a wide range of API needs.

Postwoman helps teams work together better on API projects by letting them collaborate and share their work in real-time. The tool is valuable for developers because it is simple to use, can be extended, and follows open-source rules. It helps developers create, test, and work together on APIs.

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  1. Advanced RESTClient

Advanced RESTClient (ARC) is a really useful tool for developers. It helps them build and test APIs. It’s free to use and lets users make and save complicated HTTP requests in an easy way. It can handle different ways to ask for information, ways to prove who you are, and specific instructions, so it can be used for testing different situations with APIs.

ARC can test modern API technologies because it supports WebSocket and GraphQL. It provides a complete way to see and change HTTP responses, helping to find problems. ARC makes it easier to create detailed API tests by allowing you to use environment variables, scripts, and test checks.

ARC is a Chrome tool that works well with the browser. It makes testing easy. The ARC tool is very useful for testing APIs because it can be used in many different ways, has a lot of people who use it, and is committed to sharing its code with others.

  1. Apiary

Apiary is a tool that helps people create and work on making APIs. It focuses on making it easier for people to work together and have clear instructions for how to use the APIs. It has a good interface that helps teams work together to create APIs. This makes sure that the API blueprint is clear and consistent.

It helps developers pretend to get certain responses and test connections before making them real. It helps people understand and use APIs more easily. It works well with version control systems and helps test APIs to make sure they work properly.

Apiary focuses on designing the API first, which helps teams to focus on the structure and functionality of the API. This makes the development process more efficient and allows for changes to be made more easily. Apiary has become a popular tool for teams because it helps them work together to make clear and functional APIs.

  1. Kong

Kong is a popular free software that helps manage, secure, and improve APIs. It can handle a large amount of traffic and is user friendly. Kong is like a gate for API requests. It checks things like user identity, how many requests are coming in, and keeping records. 

The design of this system lets programmers add more features using plugins. This includes controlling traffic, changing requests and responses, and improving security. This helps make sure that the rules are the same for all APIs and that they work well. Kong can be used for many different things because it can work with both RESTful and GraphQL APIs. 

Its analytics and monitoring features help developers understand how APIs are being used and how well they are performing. Kong is popular because it is flexible, and has a lot of people using it. This makes it a strong choice for organizations who are dealing with complex API systems.

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  1. Runscope

Runscope is a tool to check if APIs work well and are reliable. It runs on the internet. It helps developers test RESTful and HTTP APIs by letting them create and run automated tests. Runscope can test things like logins, headers, and checking if the right information is coming back. This makes sure that APIs work correctly.

One special thing about Runscope is that it can constantly check on the API’s performance and tell you how it’s doing right away. It watches the API to make sure it’s working, response times are fast, and there are no problems. This helps developers fix issues before they affect users.

The platform helps teams work together on testing and monitoring APIs. This makes communication easier and helps solve problems quickly. Runscope is a helpful tool for development teams. It helps teams make sure their APIs work well and perform at their best during the whole development process.

  1. RapidAPI

RapidAPI makes it easy to find, use, and organize different APIs in one place. RapidAPI is a place where developers can easily find and add different APIs into their apps. The marketplace has many different APIs, like ones for social media, payment, machine learning, and geolocation services.

RapidAPI makes it simple to use APIs by giving you one place to make requests, manage your keys, and see documentation. Programmers can find APIs, try them out in a safe environment, and easily add them to their projects.

The platform also has tools for analyzing data, so users can keep track of how they are using the API and how well it’s working. RapidAPI helps developers easily add lots of different services to their apps. It’s easy to use and has lots of useful features.

  1. Stoplight

Stoplight is a platform for designing and working together on APIs. It has many tools for every step of developing an API. Stoplight helps developers create APIs using the OpenAPI Specification. This makes sure the APIs are accurate and meet industry standards.

The collaborative setting helps team members work together and lets many people contribute to API projects easily. One important thing about Stoplight is that it can create interactive API documentation automatically. This makes it easier to understand and gives a current view of what the API can do. This helps development teams work together and understand things better.

Furthermore, Stoplight’s Prism is a strong tool for testing APIs. It helps developers make sure that the APIs follow the OpenAPI Specification and are reliable and consistent. Stoplight is a helpful tool for organizations who want to make, write, and keep track of their APIs effectively and work together. It focuses on design and making sure everything is well-documented.

Final Thoughts

API development tools help make it easier and better to create, test, and manage APIs. These tools help developers by giving them user friendly interfaces, ways to work together, strong testing features, and create useful documentation.

These tools can work with different types of APIs like RESTful and SOAP, so they are useful for many different development situations. Using the right tools to develop APIs is crucial for getting work done efficiently and making sure software projects are high quality.

The list of tools provided in this list are just a few of the many tools for making APIs that you can use today. There are tools you can use to check for weaknesses and do security testing. These tools can work with your software development process and help you make it more secure.


Can we connect API development tools with version control systems?

Yes, lots of API development tools can work with version control systems like Git. This integration helps developers keep track of changes, record a history of modifications, and work well together on API projects while following the best ways to control versions.

How do tools for making APIs help with API lifecycle?

API development tools make it easier to create, test, and keep track of APIs. They offer a central place for developers to make, test, and control APIs, so that they can work together well and make sure the APIs fit smoothly into apps.

Can tools for making APIs work for both SOAP and RESTful APIs?

Yes, lots of API development tools can work with both SOAP and RESTful APIs. These tools can work with many different kinds of APIs and protocols, making it easier for developers to use different APIs all in one place.

How can API tools help teams work together better when creating new software?

API development tools have teamwork features like sharing workspaces, keeping track of versions, and creating and sharing dynamic API documentation. These qualities help people work together well while they are making an API.

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